Complete Streets
In 2021, the City of West Allis adopted a Complete Streets Policy. The policy calls for the City to use Complete Streets principals of design for street projects. This means designing streets for the needs of all users, of all ages and abilities, and for all forms of transportation. Read the full policy.
Annual Report
The policy requires an annual report to be shared with the subcommittee, elected officials, and the public to report on the implementation progress.
To oversee the policy’s implementation, the City established the Complete Streets Subcommittee of the Capital Improvements Committee. The Complete Streets Subcommittee meets twice per year and includes elected officials, City staff, and neighborhood representatives. The subcommittee's key task is to review the year's proposed Capital Improvement Program street design projects and provide input.
Several key plans created by the City of West Allis establish the vision for the future of our streets and guide new improvements to our transportation network. These plans were developed with a focus on community input.
Current Projects
New Complete Streets projects and plans to improve the City's transportation network for people walking, biking, and taking transit are always in the works.
Downtown Pedestrian Improvement Project
In spring and summer 2024, West Allis installed paint-and-post curb extensions and high visibility crosswalks along W. Greenfield Avenue through the City's downtown.
These quick-build projects have a big impact. The improvements will promote safer driving behavior by preventing passing on the right and visually narrowing travel lanes, while creating a safer pedestrian environment by shortening crossing distances, enhancing visibility, and allowing more space for walking.
This project allows the City to test changes before adopting more permanent solutions when the street is rebuilt in the coming years.
Lincoln Avenue Reconstruction Project
In 2025, the City and WisDOT will rebuild W. Lincoln Avenue from S. 93rd Street to S. 97th Street.
Planning for the project is ongoing.
Powerline Trail Study
Alongside Milwaukee, St. Francis, and Greenfield, the City of West Allis applied for a grant funding to study the extension of the Powerline Trail North to the Hank Aaron State Trail and East to Lake Michigan.