2045 Comprehensive Plan

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A Comprehensive Plan is a vision for the future of a community along with the steps that are needed to make that vision a reality. When completed, the Comprehensive Plan is used by City leaders to guide thoughtful decision-making to achieve the community's vision. 

Comprehensive Plan Update

Every 10 years, municipalities are required to update their Comprehensive Plan. Starting in April 2023, West Allis began a major public engagement campaign to inform a complete update of the Comprehensive Plan. Throughout the summer of 2023, over 1,200 contact points were made with community members who shared their ideas with the City. The City has used these ideas to create an updated plan that creates a new vision for our community. 


The 2045 Comprehensive Plan was approved and recommended for Common Council adoption by the Plan Commission on Feb. 28, 2024. The Common Council adopted the 2045 Comprehensive Plan on March 19, 2024. 

Read The Plan

Read the 2045 Comprehensive Plan (PDF)

State Requirement

Wisconsin State Comprehensive Planning Law (Statute 66.1001) requires cities, counties, and other local units of government to enact a Comprehensive Plan every 10 years. The Comprehensive Plan, which covers a 20-year planning period, is intended to act as a guide for development and decision-making related to land use, housing, transportation, utilities, economic development, agriculture, and intergovernmental relationships.