Common Council
Contact Your Alderperson

Back row left to right: Ald. Kevin Haass, Ald. Kimberlee Grob, Ald. Marissa Nowling, Ald. Patty Novak, Ald. Martin Weigel, Ald. Chad Halvorsen
Front row left to right: Ald. Dan Roadt, Ald. Danna Kuehn, Mayor Dan Devine, Ald. Suzzette Grisham, Ald. Ray Turner
Who Are My Alderpersons?
Find out what district you live in and who your alderpersons are by using MyVote Wisconsin. Select the My Voter Info tab and then type in your first name, last name, and date of birth to see who your elected officials are.
Alderperson Ray Turner
Alderperson Kimberlee Grob
Alderperson Chad Halvorsen
Alderperson Marissa Nowling
Alderperson Suzzette Grisham
Alderperson Danna Kuehn
Alderperson Daniel Roadt
Alderperson Patty Novak
Alderperson Kevin Haass
Alderperson Martin Weigel
District Maps
Click here to view the District and Wards Maps on the Elections page.
Common Council
The West Allis Common Council is made up of ten alderpersons that each serve four-year terms.
The City of West Allis is divided into five aldermanic districts, and each district is divided into wards. Two alderpersons are elected from each district to serve on the Common Council.
The Common Council typically meets one or two Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m. at West Allis City Hall. Visit the agenda center for the most up-to-date schedule. Please note dates are subject to change.