A note from our City Administrator, Rebecca Gril: I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who came out to vote in this recent election. Your engagement, commitment to our community are invaluable, and it was wonderful to see such a strong turnout across our city.
A huge shout-out to our volunteers and poll workers who dedicated their time, energy, and focus to ensuring a smooth and efficient voting process. Your hard work and dedication are truly the backbone of our democracy.
Deep thanks also go to our city employees who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to prepare for and execute the complex logistics of Election Day. From planning to coordination, your efforts made it all possible.
Election Stats
Total Registered Voters: 33,295
Total Ballots Cast: 30,563
Overall Turnout Rate: 91.79%
Absentee Ballots Returned (including early voting): 16,083 out of 16,525 issued (97.32%)
Thank you, West Allis, for being an engaged and vibrant community. Together, we keep our city moving forward.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. tomorrow for the General Election. Find your polling place, preview your ballot and learn more: https://www.westalliswi.gov/article/1858257
As leaves continue to fall to the ground, remember that leaf and yard waste collection continues through Sunday, Nov. 17. Yard waste materials such as leaves, weeds, flowers, vines and other non-fruit or vegetable materials may be placed in the curb-line of the street during this period. Check the leaf pick-up map to see when crews will be in your area: https://www.westalliswi.gov/article/1782748
Our weekly construction in progress report is now available at https://5il.co/2y9tr
It's election season! We love when voters advocate for their candidates, but please don't post those election signs in public right-of-way. We're talking about things like light poles, boulevards, city trees, medians, the area between the sidewalk and street, etc. City officials can immediately remove and dispose of illegally posted signs, and we don't want to have to do that! Please make sure you're posting signs on private property with the permission of the owner or occupant. Thanks for your help to make sure we properly use our right-of-way.
Notice of informal gathering of the West Allis Common Council on Nov. 6, 2024. Learn more: https://westalliswi.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=1241330&GUID=60D044E0-E4E5-4741-8C76-312401C90311&Options=&Search=
Reminder: In-person absentee voting continues this week at West Allis City Hall. Information and hours can be found here: https://www.westalliswi.gov/o/cwa/page/elections
Our weekly construction report is now available at https://5il.co/2y9tr
City-wide trick or treat is this Saturday, Oct. 26 from 4 - 7 p.m. Leave your porch light on if you're participating so little ghouls and goblins know to stop by!
Head to the West Allis Farmers Market on Thursday, Oct. 31 from 12-4 p.m. for a spooktacular day! Select vendors will give out candy to the little ghouls and goblins (12 years old or younger) in costume while supplies last.
There has been a water main break on the 2100 block of S. 84th Street. The water will be off from approximately noon until 5 p.m. There are 35 properties affected by the water shut off. Properties have been notified by door hangers. The green box in the attached photo is the approximate location of the leak.
Detour: Northbound 84th Street traffic is being detoured at Lincoln directing eastbound on Lincoln, reestablishing north bound traffic at 76 Street to Becher (WB) back to 84(Becher) northbound.
Detour/Road closure will today (Oct. 24) into tomorrow (Oct. 25) overnight.
Pumpkin carving, Haunted Honey Creek, and trick or treat - it's Halloween in West Allis! Learn more about our upcoming events, starting tonight: https://www.westalliswi.gov/article/1837988
Calling all pumpkin-carvers! We need your help to carve over 100 pumpkins for Haunted Honey Creek at our Pumpkin Carve-A-Thon this Thursday, Oct. 24 from 4-7 p.m. at Honey Creek Park (8405 W. National Ave.). We'll bring the pumpkins, carving supplies, spooky music and warm beverages, and you supply your creative ideas and carving skills! Pre-carved pumpkins can also be dropped off during this time. If you end up loving your pumpkin, pumpkins can be picked up after Haunted Honey Creek (Oct. 25) between 9-9:30 p.m. Get all the details and save the date: https://www.facebook.com/events/1037074891074477
Starting Oct. 21, the City of West Allis will be removing and replacing corners at S. 62nd Street and W. Lapham Street with bioswales and bump outs as a traffic calming measure. During this time, the intersection will be closed. Access to the alley on the north side of W. Lapham Street between S. 63rd and S. 62nd Street will be maintained.
The work is expected to be completed by the end of November 2024.
Work will be conducted during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, with occasional evening and weekend work.
Phase 1: Removal and Replacement Work: Roadway will be sawcut and removed. Bioswale areas will be excavated. The intersection will be closed to traffic. Access to the alley between S. 63rd and S. 62nd Street on the north side of W. Lapham Street will be maintained. Designated “No Parking” areas will be required to allow for a large volume of materials and work. Drop off/pick-up areas for the school parents will be moved to S. 63rd St. north of W. Lapham St. as shown on the enclosed map.
Phase 2: Replacement of the Roadway and Landscaping: Begins after the excavation work is complete. New curb and gutter and pavement will be constructed. Soil will be placed in the bioswale areas and landscaping will be completed along the sidewalk and curb. The project area will be cleaned and re-opened. Plantings within the bioswales will continue in spring.
More information at: https://www.westalliswi.gov/724/Construction-Information-for-Residents
Early voting starts tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 22 at City Hall (7525 W. Greenfield Ave) and goes through Friday, Nov. 1. Voting hours are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except for Tuesday, Oct. 29 and Wednesday, Oct. 30 when City Hall is open until 7 p.m. and on Friday, Nov. 1 when City Hall is open until 5 p.m. Get all of your voting and election information at https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/
Early voting starts next week Tuesday, Oct. 22 at City Hall (7525 W. Greenfield Ave) and goes through Friday, Nov. 1. Voting hours are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except for Tuesday, Oct. 29 and Wednesday, Oct. 30 when City Hall is open until 7 p.m. and on Friday, Nov. 1 when City Hall is open until 5 p.m. Additional information available at www.WestAllisWI.gov/elections and https://www.MyVote.WI.gov
See all those fun events like Wii Bowling, chair yoga, Qi Gong, and more on our new event calendar? Those are all happening at West Allis Senior Center. Membership is free through 2024 for adults age 55+. Don't miss your chance to experience all the Senior Center has to offer, free of charge through this year! https://www.westalliswi.gov/o/cwa/page/senior-center-memberships
There has been a water main break north of 120th Street and Walker Street. Repairs will begin around 11 a.m., and the road will be closed during repairs from Walker Street to the end of the block to the north. Repairs should be completed around 6 p.m. on Oct. 16. Nine houses will be notified of water shut-offs.
It's here! Our new website and app are ready to assist you. Download the app in your app store for quick access to City of West Allis services.
Nov. 5 Election Reminders for This Week!
October 16, 2024- Deadline to Register by Mail - Your voter registration form, along with proof of residence must be postmarked to your municipal clerk no later than October 16, 2024. |
October 16, 2024- Deadline to Register to vote online. - Voters who are able to match their name, date of birth, Wisconsin Driver License or State ID number, and address with the Wisconsin DMV can register to vote online through October 16, 2024.