
The main responsibility of the Municipal Water Utility is to provide good, clean, drinkable water to the consumers. The Utility is regulated by the State of Wisconsin’s Public Service Commission. Water is purchased from the Milwaukee Water Works. Our water is supplied to us from Milwaukee’s Howard Avenue Water Treatment Plant through two metered supply points in West Allis and distributed to West Allis locations through a maze of underground transmission and distribution mains and three reservoirs. Two of these reservoirs are above-ground 1,500,000 gallon water tank towers, one near S. 84 Street and W. Rogers Street and one at S 116 Street and W. Rogers Street. The underground reservoir, with a capacity of 4,000,000 gallons, is near S. 96 Street and W. Mitchell Street. The Utility also provides water for fire fighting and maintains the transmission and distribution system by repairing leaks and main breaks.

Meter Reading System

The Utility also manages the metering of water using a computerized meter reading system. Hand-held processors used by the meter readers in the field interface with the main system, uploading data gathered at each meter location and downloading data for each daily meter reading route. Each meter in the City is read quarterly and billed quarterly. If you are selling your home or have a change in tenants, the Utility strongly encourages customers to read the meters so a final statement can be prepared.

Final Meter Reading for Water/Sewer Bills

Water Utility Services

  • Meter reading.

  • Meter installation, maintenance, and repair.

  • Water main maintenance and repair.

  • Hydrant installation, maintenance, and repair.

  • Water tower and reservoir cleaning, maintenance, and repair.

  • Water tower and reservoir pumping, supply, distribution, and treatment.

  • Diggers Hotline emergency and standard service locates.

  • Emergency water main break repair.

  • Maintenance of services and curb stops.

  • Flushing of fire hydrants and flow testing.

  • Exercising and replacement of valves.

  • Working with contractors on new water main installation and testing.

  • Sampling water for coliform bacteria and disinfection by products for compliance with Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).