Watch your mailbox for your 2024 property tax bill, which was mailed on Monday, Dec. 9, 2024. You can view your tax information online now and payments are now being accepted.
Payment Options
Tri City Bank
Get your cash refund immediately when you pay at Tri City National Bank through January 31. Hours are subject to change. Please check the locations page on the Tri City website for update-to-date information.
City Hall 24 Hour Dropbox
Located at 7525 W. Greenfield Ave. on the east of the main entrance facing the City Hall parking lot. Items deposited after 8 a.m. will be receipted on the following day. However, if payment is made on the due date, it will be considered timely.
No fee withdrawal from checking or savings can be made online.
Allow two business days for the City to receive and credit e-check payments.
Credit Card
By phone: 855-288-0677 or done online.
Allow three business days for the City to receive credit card funds. A 2.5% third-party convenience fee applies.
Mail to City of West Allis P.O. Box 14248, West Allis, WI 53214.
Payments must be mailed in a properly addressed envelope, postmarked before midnight on the Installment Due Date to be considered on time. All mail is receipted with the date it is received, and interest and penalty incurred on delinquent amounts are calculated based on the date received.
City Hall Customer Service Center located at 7525 W. Greenfield Ave. is open Monday - Friday 11:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Closed Dec. 24 - 25, and Jan. 1 and 20.
More information about your property taxes can be found on our tax information page, and information about the 2024 revaluation and property assessment process can be found on the Assessor's page.