Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

Why enroll in WIC?
Everyone wins with WIC. Moms eat healthier and have healthier babies. Infants born to WIC moms grow and develop better. WIC kids eat more nutritious foods and are better prepared for school. The WIC food benefits card and shopping app make WIC easier to use than ever. Families also get a special set of WIC benefits to use at the West Allis Farmers Market each summer for locally grown fruits and vegetables. For more information contact WIC at 414-302-8642 or email WIC.
WIC has trained breastfeeding experts and peer counselors who can provide you with breastfeeding education and tips. We will help you feel prepared to breastfeed before your little one arrives and continue to support you throughout your breastfeeding journey! WIC moms who breastfeed get extra food in their food package, can stay on WIC up until the baby turns one year old and can get assistance with obtaining a breast pump, if necessary.
What does WIC Provide?
Services: | Foods Such As: | Referrals For: |
- Health Screening | - Fruits & Vegetables | Contact your local health department for information about: |
You are eligible for WIC if:
You live in Wisconsin.
You are pregnant, breastfeeding a baby under one year of age or are a new mother within the last six months.
You have an infant or children under five years of age.
Dads, guardians, or foster parents may apply for WIC for their children.
You may automatically qualify if a member of your family receives Badger Care Plus, FoodShare, W2 benefits, or Day Care Assistance.
You have a household income (before tax deductions) that is less than or equal to WIC income guidelines. Many working families qualify. A pregnant woman counts as two family members.
Additional WIC Resources
Our Clinics
Southwest Suburban Health Department - West Allis location
7120 W. National Ave.
Phone: 414-302-8642
Fax: 414-302-8628
Hours: Monday-Friday from 8:15 a.m. - 4 p.m. and the 3rd Thursday & 4th Tuesday of the month from 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Southwest Suburban Health Department - Greenfield location
7325 W. Forest Home Ave.
Phone: 414-329-5243
Fax: 414-302-8628
Hours: Monday & Tuesday from 8:15 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Cudahy Health Department
5050 S. Lake Drive
Phone: 414-769-2229
Fax: 414-302-8628
Hours: Wednesday-Friday from 8:15 a.m. - 4 p.m. and the 3rd Thursday of the month from 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
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USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
This institution is an equal opportunity provider, view our discrimination statement here.