What Do Neighborhood Associations Do?
Neighborhood associations can do amazing things! In recent years, members of West Allis' neighborhood associations have worked together on a wide variety of exciting projects:
Helping neighbors in need with snow removal and lawn care.
Creating a community and pollinator/butterfly gardens in a previously empty public space.
Painting murals in park pavilions and other public spaces.
Installing unique neighborhood signs to help create a sense of neighborhood identity.
Building Little Free Libraries® throughout the neighborhood and stocking them with books.
Organizing food or clothing drives.
Coordinating and promoting family-friendly events like neighborhood rummage sales, Easter egg hunts, chili cook-offs, pancake breakfasts, and rock painting parties.
Host a Block Party
Many of West Allis' neighborhood associations host annual block parties. Each July, West Allis' neighborhoods come together during West Allis Night Out and streets open up to become safe places for neighbors and families to enjoy games, barbeque, and good times together.
These fun events bring neighbors together, but you don't have to be a neighborhood association to put one on!
Apply for a special event permit to host a block party on your street any time of the year.
Organize a Neighborhood Clean-Up
West Allis' neighborhood associations also frequently host litter clean-up days at parks within their neighborhood.
The City of West Allis partners with Keep Greater Milwaukee Beautiful to make organizing neighborhood clean-ups easy! Keep Greater Milwaukee Beautiful will loan clean-up materials to groups anytime between March 1 – Oct. 31 at no charge.
Featured Projects
Rainbow Gardens: Mural
In 2019, the Rainbow Gardens Neighborhood Association, led by their president and artist Dan Herro, installed a community mural in the Rainbow Gardens pavilion. The mural features a colorful tree design with individual "leaf" artwork created by members of the community.
East Allis Neighborhood Association: Pollinator Garden
The East Allis Neighborhood Association planted and maintains a pollinator garden on the triangle formed by 64th Street and Burnham Street. The native plantings in this garden attract natural pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.