Snow Emergency Parking Rules
Snow Emergencies
As of December 12, 2023, Common Council has repealed the previous winter parking ordinance. As a result, the new winter parking rules state that winter parking rules will be in effect anytime the Director of Public Works issues a snow emergency. Emergencies could be due to snow, ice, sleet, or any wintery weather. Emergencies will be announced with start and end times.
Snow emergencies are declared to make sure that we can quickly and efficiently plow streets. Keeping streets clear of large snow and ice piles makes it safer for all drivers and ensures quick responses from other departments as needed.
Snow emergencies can last a few days after it stops snowing to ensure the City can clear the streets as much as possible. We understand this is an inconvenience, but by adding on a couple of extra days, crews can keep streets wider and keep more parking spots available throughout the winter.
How to Park During Snow Emergencies
During the snow emergency, alternate side parking will be in effect between 12 a.m. midnight until 3 p.m. until the end of the snow emergency so plows can clear both sides of the street. As such:
On even-numbered calendar days (before midnight) such as Jan. 2, 4, 6, etc., park on the EVEN side of the street from midnight until 2:59 p.m.
On odd-numbered calendar days (before midnight) such as Jan. 1, 3, 5, etc., park on the ODD side of the street from midnight until 2:59 p.m.
Park on EITHER side of the street between 3 p.m. until 11:59 p.m. following all posted parking signs. Illegally parked vehicles may be towed without notice.
"No Parking" signs on streets remain in effect regardless of snow emergencies.
Nighttime parking e-permits are still required.
Main Thoroughfare Streets
During the declared snow emergency time frame, there is:
No street parking allowed on main thoroughfare streets during the duration of the snow emergency.
Any illegally parked vehicles can be towed without notice.
Main thoroughfare streets shall consist of the major traffic, mass transit, and emergency vehicle routes in the City of West Allis.
Snow Emergency Notifications
Vehicle Towing During Snow Emergencies
Any vehicles violating the parking restrictions during snow emergencies or alternate side parking may be ticketed and towed at the owner's expense. If your vehicle has been towed during a snow emergency, contact N&S Towing at 414-476-8697. N & S Towing is located at 1719 S. 83 St. in West Allis.