Sign Review and Approval

Signs require review and approval in the form of a sign permit. This includes temporary signs. Certain properties may be eligible for additional signs through the City's master sign program. Exceptions can be requested through a sign plan appeal. 


For sign permits, submit a Sign Permit Application

  • $125 Sign Plan Review fee plus Sign Permit Fee.

  • Signs projecting over or onto the public right-of-way also requires a grant of privilege.

For Master Sign Program or Sign Plan Appeal, submit a Planning Application.

  • $125 Master Sign Program fee .

  • $125 Sign Plan Appeal fee.

Sign Code & Guidelines

Before applying, please review the City's sign guidelines. The following guidelines provide a helpful overview of the City's sign code.

Supplementary guidelines include:

  • Master Sign Program Guidelines. (25,000 square foot buildings/centers)

Complete details of the City's sign code may be found within Chapter 13 of the West Allis Municipal Code in sections 13.21 and 13.215 (Downtown).


Sign permit applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning and Code Enforcement. Code Enforcement will conduct a final inspection upon installation. 

Any signs within the Downtown Business Improvement District must be approved by the Downtown Design Committee before permits can be issued. This Committee meets the second Tuesday of the month. Please contact staff for more information. 

Master sign program reviews and sign plan appeals must be approved by the City's Plan Commission. Upon approval by the Plan Commission, sign permits may be issued.