Request a Ribbon Cutting with the Mayor

The City of West Allis looks forward to celebrating and supporting your business!
While the City of West Allis works hard to accommodate the scheduling preferences of businesses, we must also consider the availability of staff and City officials to ensure a successful event. For this reason, we only guarantee City participation in ribbon cutting ceremonies with a minimum two-week notice and our expressed prior confirmation of the date. Ideally, it is best to work with the City before selecting your date.
The ceremony itself runs anywhere from 15-20 minutes. After the ribbon is cut and pictures are taken, welcoming remarks are given by the Mayor or his designee followed by an opportunity for a representative of the business to speak. The City does not require RSVPs to attend ribbon cuttings. Attendance at ribbon-cutting ceremonies varies depending on the time and date selected and how much promotion is done on behalf of the business.
Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies Are Typically Held For:
Welcoming a new business to the City of West Allis (can be held up to 6 months after opening)
Celebrating a major renovation or remodel
Breaking ground on a new development
Business anniversary or re-opening
To make your ceremony a success, the City will:
Arrange for Mayor Devine and City Officials to appear
Provide scissors and ribbon for the ceremony
To make your ceremony a success, you might consider:
Inviting friends, family, customers, etc.
Designating a representative in advance to give remarks at the ribbon-cutting
Providing tours at the event
Placing business cards and/or brochures around common areas
Serving light snacks and/or beverages (optional)
Schedule Your Ribbon Cutting
To schedule a ribbon cutting contact Tourism & Event Coordinator Chelsea Famularo at Email Chelsea Famularo or by calling 414-302-8357