Mediation Center
The West Allis Mediation Center is a service for people and businesses in West Allis. There is no charge for the service. Mediation offers the opportunity for people to find their own solutions with the aid of a trained mediator. Services are available for adults as well as young people. Most mediations are conducted at the West Allis Police Department Municipal Court Center, 11301 W. Lincoln Ave.
Benefits of Mediation
Mediation allows all parties to come to a mutually agreeable solution in a quicker, more affordable manner which allows both parties to maintain a working relationship. The scheduling of mediation sessions is also more flexible than court hearings which works well for people with both traditional and nontraditional schedules.
Quick: Mediations can usually be scheduled within two weeks of the referral as opposed to the judicial system, which may take many months.
Confidential: The mediation takes place in a private, neutral setting.
Convenient: Mediations can be arranged during the day or after business hours.
What is Mediation?
Mediation is a process that assists people in resolving conflicts or disputes. The mediation session offers people the opportunity to create their own mutually agreeable solutions with the assistance of a trained, impartial third party - a mediator. The mediator doesn’t make decisions for the people involved or determine who is right or wrong. Mediation is not a court hearing or a counseling session.
Mediation sessions are casual, yet structured discussions to help clarify the issues and move towards agreement. Parties are given the opportunity to speak without interruption. If an agreement is reached, it may be written down and signed by the parties. Before participating in a mediation session, the parties should think about possible solutions to the problem.
Types of Disputes that Can Be Resolved
Community Problems: Noise, pets, neighbors, parking, boundary disputes
Juvenile Disputes: Conflicts between youth, youth and adults, and schools
Family Disputes: Family problems, domestic issues such as roommates and friends
Landlord-Tenant: Issues Security deposit, repairs, damages
Accessing Mediation Services
To request mediation services, or for more information, call: 262-825-3037. A case manager will discuss your situation and explain the process in detail. The center staff will contact the others involved in the dispute and request their participation in mediation.
Mediation sessions are scheduled at times that are convenient for all participants. Evening appointments are available. Most disputes can be resolved in just one session.