Interactive Map Help
Online interactive maps on the City of West Allis website are developed using ESRI's ArcGIS Server Version 10 and .NET Technology by City of West Allis staff.
Within each interactive map is a link to documentation that provides basic information on how to identify features, navigate the site using the specific tools offered, search for features, measure distances or areas, working with layers and map contents, along with information on retrieving and printing detailed data.
For the best results when using this interactive mapping site, we recommend the following minimum system settings on your computer:
Cable or DSL Internet Connection
Browser Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher
Disable any Pop-Up blocking software
Display: 17" monitor or larger
Screen Resolution set at 1024 x 768 or higher
Adobe Flash Player 8 or higher
Acrobat Reader 9.0
Map Data
Interactive maps use data from many sources through the City:
Addresses and Tax Keys: City of West Allis addresses originate in the Department of Building Inspection and Zoning. Property address and parcel tax key records displayed on GeoWeb West Allis maps come from the GIS Supervisor and the Assessor's Office. These records are updated periodically as new information is received from Milwaukee County and the Department of Building Inspection and Zoning.
Property and assessment records: the Assessor's Office. Data is updated weekly.
Tax and special assessment records: the Treasurer's Office and the Engineering Department. Data is updated at the end of each tax year.
Political district and ward information: GIS Supervisor.
Political representation and polling place data: the City Clerk's Office. Representative data is updated after each election.