Historical Commission


  • Scheduled as needed.

  • City Hall - 7525 W. Greenfield Ave.

Agenda & Minutes


The West Allis Historical Commission is responsible for historic preservation in the City of West Allis. Formed in 1998, the seven-member commission actively works to educate and to preserve our community's rich history.

Projects have included designating individual properties and districts to the National Register of Historic Places, holding community events such as the Annual Settler's Weekend, designating properties as local landmarks, promoting and preserving the mid-nineteenth century log cabin school at Honey Creek Park, preserving properties such as the Seneca Station (National Register 2004), and assisting in the 2003 publication of a pictorial history of West Allis authored by Albert Muchka.


  • Mayor Dan Devine, Chair 

  • Devan Gracyalny, Vice-Chair

  • Barbara Hart 

  • Petra Theurich 

  • Rory Modlinski

  • Marissa Nowling

Staff Support

Staff support for the Historical Commission is provided by Economic Development.