Community Development Block Grant Program

The City of West Allis receives Community Development Block Grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The amount of funding is based on the number of people with low-to-moderate incomes living in West Allis.

Each year, the City creates a plan that to use the funds. Organizations can apply for funding for their projects and programs. A resident appointed Block Grant Committee makes the final decision to award funding in the plan. 

Eligible Activities 

Community Development Block Grant funding can only be used for certain types of activities. The plan generally funds economic development, public works improvements, public services, and housing rehabilitation projects.

Examples of eligible activities include: property acquisition, construction of public facilities, clearance and demolition, parking facilities, special economic development assistance, public services, commercial and housing rehabilitation, planning and program administration, and redevelopment and relocation.

Adopted Plans, Reports & Applications


The goal of the Community Development Block Grant program is to create viable communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities for people with low-and-moderate incomes. Each activity carried out with Community Development Block Grant funds must meet one of the three broad National Objectives

  • Benefit low and moderate income persons.

  • Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight.

  • Meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious or immediate threat to health.