Common Council Agendas and Minutes
The regular agenda for each scheduled meeting of the Common Council shall be closed at 5 p.m. on the third business day prior to the day of the meeting. The agenda shall be available to the entire Council, staff, the press and the public forty-eight (48) hours in advance of each Council meeting. The Common Council has set the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. as the regularly scheduled meeting date and time. The second meeting held on the third Tuesday in July and August of each year is normally cancelled. There are variations in the meeting schedule. Please visit the agenda center for an up-to-date list of council meeting dates.
The Common Council agenda is a consent agenda. New items are accepted and referrals are as listed. The Common Council regularly recesses for standing committee meetings at which time new and previous matters may be discussed and considered.
Official Minutes Delay
Common Council minutes are not official until approved by the Common Council at a subsequent meeting. The Common Council's actions regarding ordinances and resolutions are subject to mayor's action (or inaction) of four business days. Any vetoes must be explained by the Mayor in writing to the Common Council at the next meeting for Common Council override consideration. Most ordinances (if passed and signed by the Mayor) are effective on the date of publication in the City's official newspaper, My Community NOW
Upon Common Council approval, the minutes are available for distribution and online the next business day. You can find Common Council Agendas and Minutes.