Candidates - Getting on the Ballot
If you are interested in running for elective office, the first date to circulate papers is Dec. 1 in the year prior to the expiration of the term. The last date to file the nomination papers with the clerk’s office is 5 p.m. on the first Tuesday in January. You must file the nomination papers in person; they cannot be mailed. Nomination papers are available in the clerk’s office and below.
Here is a link to the information for candidates for the offices mayor, municipal judge, and alderpersons.
Campaign Finance
Campaign Finance Overview - Local Candidate
Local Candidates should visit the Local Campaign Finance page on the Wisconsin Elections Commission website.
2024 Spring Election Candidates
2024 Spring Election Candidates
2024 Spring Election Candidate Contact Information
Voter Registration and Election Participation Data
BADGER Voters is a website offered by the Wisconsin Elections Commission designed to allow users to request, receive a quote, purchase, and download Wisconsin voter registration and election participation data from the Statewide Voter Registration System. Users can complete this entire process online and independently 24 hours per day, seven days per week.